Boliba Savings and Credit

Boliba Savings and Credit

Location Maseru Koporasi
Status Completed
Completed 2014
Interior Design Morris Architects
Landscape Design Morris Architects
Supervision Morris Architects
Construction Morris Architects

Adaptive Re use of old Agricultural Storage Sheds.

the concept was mainly to re imagine Double Story offices in an old Steel Storage Shed.

The approach was mainly based on thermal comfort, ergonomics, human scale, circulation, aesthetics and sustainable design. 

the structure was only modified with H-Beam steel structure inside to provide two floors. the steel skin was insulated with isoform and covered with rhino board and skimmed with rhino lite to finish. Volcano turbines were installed for air circulation. 

the steel sheets were painted with white rubberized paint to reflect heat and light. HVAC systems were installed to warm the structures in winter and provide cool air in hot summers. 

Boliba Savings and Credit Exterior

Boliba Savings and Credit Interior

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